Bogota, Columbia .... International Children's Jumper Championships ..... July 13 - 17, 2005


American Girls
Zazou Hoffman, CA; Renick Townsend & Jordan Coyne, FL
Renick and her horse Skip & Dale
Jordan (who finished 2nd in the B Group Finals), 
Zazou (who won the Style Award) with Renick 
before the A Group Finals
Paula & Herman Camargo .........Thanks for all of the help and a great time at your family's homes!  We had an amazing time ......
German Camargo
Sebastian (Skip's Owner) and Renick
German, USA's Chef de' Equipe, going over final instructions ....... 
Final Jump Off .... Winning by more than 2 seconds!!!!
Congratulations to Renick ......
Winning the International Children's Jumper Invitational Championship, with 12 Countries represented by 43 Competitors,
Winning the Best Foreign Rider Award
Winning the Best Team Award with Skip's Colombian owner, Sebastian 
Skip & Dale won the Best Horse Award

 .......................VICTORY GALLOP ...................

 .....More Fun Photos .....CLICK HERE .....

Email Renick

United States Equestrian Federation, Inc.
4047 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, KY 40511-8483 Tel: (859) 258-2472 Fax (859) 231-6662 Web site:

   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                          July 22, 2005
   Contact: Sarah Lane (859) 225-6974
U.S. Riders Shine at FEI Jumping Competition for Children
in Bogotá, Colombia
By Cindy Stys and USEF staff

Lexington, KY – Three junior riders, Jordan Coyne of New Port Richey, Florida, Zazou Hoffman of Santa Monica, California, and Renick Townsend of Wellington, Florida, served as excellent ambassadors of equestrian sport as they represented the United States in the CSI-Ch B Bogotá, Colombia, July 13-17, an FEI sanctioned jumping event for children.
Thirteen-year-old, Renick Townsend competed against 43 riders from 12 countries and four continents to claim the championship title as well as the award for Best International Rider.
“This was an experience of a lifetime,” Townsend said. “It was a big competition with a lot of people watching, which made me kind of nervous.” Townsend’s first international experience-turned-victory was especially impressive since Townsend and all of the international guest riders competed on horses borrowed from the Colombian riders.
Jordan Coyne secured a notable second place in the B Final and Zazou Hoffman, who was among the finalists at the FEI Children’s Jumping Final 2004, won the Style Award and placed 10th.
“Renick was amazing and is a very, very good rider,” said Grand Prix show jumper, German Camargo of Columbia. Camargo accompanied Townsend as her trainer and also served as Chef d’Equipe for the U.S. riders. He added, “Jordan, although a little nervous in the beginning, gained confidence for the Final B. Zazou rode very good winning the style award.”
The CSI-Ch B Bogotá came as welcome preparation for the 2005 FEI Children’s International Jumping Final, slated to take place November 22-27 in Simi Valley, California. For more information, log on to