Fun Photos ...... Winter 2005

Just a Tourist:

Renick was able to show Just a Tourist in January.  Renick's first time in the Children's Jumper and then in the Big Equitations.  What a fun horse and a great opportunity for Renick to be introduced to the children's jumper division.  Many thanks to his owner Shoshana Gordon for sharing Johnny with us.  
Click HERE for video of Jumper Class
Click HERE for video of Maclay Class


Margie Engel was generous enough to arrange with Tribeca's owner Erin Holder to allow Renick show him during the FEI Children's Jumper weekend and then again a few times at WEF.  Finishing with a strong 4th in the speed class ...... what a very fun and honest horse!   Tribeca is available for purchase. 
Karen (who is off to work with Russ Walthers this summer) & Renick
Tribeca with Renick, Karen and Erin ......
Renick got a catch ride on Graphite.  They were 3rd in the Children's Jumper Classic  Thank you to Darren Graziano for the opportunity and the ride.


Isabel, Renick and Katherine

Isabel, Victoria, Renick and Alex
Katherine, Catherine, Isabel and Renick having a great day at the beach ..... unwinding from a busy season of showing.

Garnett's had a fun last night in FL swim/pizza party ......Renick, Sarah, Heather, Julie, Sam, Kensie and Maggie ....