Summer 2007........... Fun Photos
Saugerties in June....
Renick, Gabriel and Natal 
Claudia with Shade
Hayden & Claudia
Is that Emma smiling?????
Schaefer spending the night .............

Oxridge ............

Kelsey on Elmo

Mackie rooting us on

Dover in July ....
Elmo and Renick ...........
Elmo and Natal ... pasture mates ... pretty amazing considering Natal is a stallion.  What a nice horse he is .....

The Endeavor Farm Girls with Renick ................

Hayden being Hayden ... so cute!
Syd with her FROG!!!                  Courtney too.

Kiley & Renick
On the Race Course ....

Linda and Ted 

4th of July on Boston Harbor

Jill enjoying the boat.

Scott and Renick on the 4th

Linda, the hostess with the mostess
Boston Grave Yard Tour...........
Girls got quite a fright!!!!!!

Bo Dukes and Renick get to say Hi ....

at Endeavour Farm

Off to the Museum .....


Lighthouse in Saugerties ....

Sharky enjoying a swim on an hot summer day.
Kentucky ........................

Emma smiling again!!!! Getting to be a habit. LOL

Marlin, Renick and Katherine on their bikes ....
Marcelo giving Casey some polo pointers ... it was such fun for all of Renick's friends to have a polo lesson.  Thank you ...