2007 WHF Riders .............
Avery had a great Winter in Florida with her two ponies, Redwood Forest and Thunder Jam finishing Littlewood Circuit Champion with both ponies.  They returned to Boston, met back up with us in Saugerties and through Pony Finals in KY ... what a fun and successful time we had both on the road and at Endeavor Farm.
Many championships and reserves all summer.  Avery is trained at home by her mom Ashleigh Stewart at Endeavor Farm in Dover, MA.


Avery's grandmother, Linda Grasso finished as Circuit Champion in the Modified Adult Hunters at both Littlewood Spring  & Saugerties Summer Series with her horse Perfect Partner Kristy Downing trains Linda at home at Endeavor Farm.
How Syd has grown this summer ... we had a wonderful time starting with Saugerties and ending the summer with Pony Finals ... 
She has become quite a talent and it is fun to be part of her education.
Syd has her wonderful long time companion Cocoa Puffs, her green pony Miss Me Not, and of course one of our favorites .. Set Sail, her Pony Jumper.  We are looking forward to her coming to Florida this coming winter.
  Amanda has turned her interest from figure skating toward riding ... She gave her little sister Syd a run for her money several times with her adorable Medium Green Pony ... Piece of Cake.  She had success in Saugerties as well as Pony Finals ... Amanda and Syd are both trained by their mom, Jill Shulman from Back Country Farm in Greenwich, CT
Emma really matured this summer with her riding ... never short on effort.  She did a fantastic job with her two green ponies this summer, Harmony and Flirtatious.  Emma finished the summer strong with a win in the USEF Medium Pony Medal class in KY the week before Pony Finals as well as numerous successes and championships during the summer.  Emma is also trained by her mom Robin Butchard at Leatherstocking Farm, in Wellington, FL
Claudia came and rode in Saugerties in June with us.  She was lent a pony from Grand Central, Shade .. who was just adorable.  Thank you to Robin, Heather and Kara for letting us use him.  Now back in Florida, Claudia and Abigail took two of our young ponies to the local PBCHA show and were champion in their respective Walk /Trot /Jump Divisions.  Great job ... Both ponies by the really nice stallion, Llanarth Senator from Northwinds Farm.  Can you see the resemblance?  Look for Abigail and Claudia in the Short Stirrups soon. 
Here are some fun links to videos from the show: 
(click on camera image)
Claudia on Cristal & Lali on Charm

Claudia on Gumby

Claudia with Ribbons

Lali on Charm

Abigail on Lucy

 Lali .... what can you say .. she is adorable and is going to be a great rider.  At only 5 yrs of age she possesses such presence and determination.  Lali has teamed up with Charm since her pony Party Shoes is out for a while.  They were Reserve Champion in 8 and Under Walk/Trot/Jump Equitation at their first outing together.  Lali is also trained by her mom Paula & Dad German at Camargo Show Stables, in Loxahatchee, FL.
Alicia is a new addition to our group.  She rides for our friends at Ironwood Ponies and joined us with her Lg. Green pony for KY Summer and Pony Finals.  Alicia and He's the Man won the USEF Large Pony Medal the week before Pony Finals as well as nice success in the Green Ponies.  We are looking forward to having Alicia join us in Florida this coming winter.  She is trained by her mom Heather at Heberle Stables in Rochester, NY.