
After Nimbus 2000 it only seemed natural to have a Firebolt!!!!   So we do.......

Bobby is really Beautiful, Amazing Mover and Jumper ......

Getting ready for first class .... they were double clean ... good start!
Bobby is going to be a mom ...... she is bred to Michael's pony stallion ....
Scaramouche; Bobby's husband to be! 
12.1 Hands Bay Stallion
Call Michael for More Info .....
Here is his page .... LINK

2006 - Bobby had her baby on April 6th, a colt who is just beautiful.  She did a great job and seems to love being a mom. ...
Here is his page ..... LINK

2007 - Bobby has a new filly born on April 14th.  She is precious and Bobby is thrilled to have a new baby to take care of.
She has been in great hands with Larry and Bambi at Cypress Grove Farm in SC.
Here is a link to her page ..... LINK

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