2005 ............
Photo Credit: Randi Muster

Renick and Goody had a wonderful time showing at WEF.  They got a ribbon in every class except for two all winter ..... a fun day was when they finished second to one of Renick's best friends, Isabel Jolicoeur, who won the class on her pony jumper "Mustang Sally".
To keep Goody in condition he walks 4 days a week on a tread mill that has built in hill work.  He has really gotten fit from his walking.  If you need a demonstration of this amazing machine contact our neighbor who is the US distributor and let him know that Goody sent you! .... 
Henrik Gundersen:  561-452-7669 


Click on links  to See Video Clips of Renick and Goody .........

12-15-04 Table2  Video Clip  Stadium Jumping

1-2-05  Table2 2  Video Clip  Littlewood

3-5-05  Table 1 Video Clip  Speed Class at WEF 


Jumping Clean .....

Flying to the finish ..... and the win ....


Fun time in Saugerties, NY in June ......
Goody spent July with Claudia Easton and JoAnn Copeland in Vermont ....
and met Renick in KY for Pony Finals .....  

It's Been Fun !!!!!!! See you in Florida in December ....

Congratulations to Claudia Easton on the purchase of Goody .... 
We wish you much success ....

We want to thank some of Renick and Good Fortune's Supporters ........